Friday, June 8, 2012

Today's Rant: Rude People & Convenient Friendships

Not much irritates me these days, but today takes the cake. I'm not sure if there's a full moon out tonight, but a few things happened today that really just put me over the edge.

When you offer your hospitality to someone who you've just met because they're good friends with a relative of yours and then months later you find out that that person decides to cut / break all ties with you altogether, then I take it as an insult. I mean, I just think that person is rude and ignorant. Thankfully, he/she won't be welcomed back anymore.

Then a few hours later, a so-called friend texts me to say that she and another friend, who I've known a lot longer than the other one, are in (my) town and told me to come over and meet them at a nearby hotel because there's some festival that's being held there. As I've told both of them in the past, I don't like it when someone invites me to an event at the very last minute. I feel that I wasn't important enough to be 'invited' in the first place, plus I may have other things I'm doing. Also, posting photos on Facebook of your food or dessert that you ate just before the event and NOT inviting me to meet you for dinner either...well, that just isn't going to put you on my good side either. After I told the so-called friend that I'd appreciate it if next time she give me more advance notice, she replied back with a snarky comment that doesn't deserve a reply back.

I'm clearly NOT a fan of convenient friendships. I'm a loyal friend until you give me a good reason to not remain your friend. I think the friendship advice I received from my mother many years ago still holds truth, especially after tonight.