Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sad day :-(

Last night as I was getting ready to go to bed, I started crying again. I knew something was wrong with my 51-year-old cousin "T," who had been suffering with liver cancer for about a year or less. I had spoken to my mom about my cousin and she said that she had spoken with "T's" older sister, who said that "T" was saying her good-byes to her closest family members and was talking about her deceased mother and deceased younger brother. "T's" older sister took that as a sign that her life was coming to an end.

I didn't have class today, but I was scheduled to go to school to meet with my math tutor for the first time. I got up early so that I could get a good parking spot at school. I was in the library waiting to meet with my tutor when I saw that I missed a call from one of my younger cousins, "A." I tried calling her back and when she didn't answer, I left her a voicemail letting her know that I'm pretty sure I knew what her call was about. I then texted her. About an hour or so later, "A" confirmed my assumption: her great-aunt "T," my (1st) cousin, passed away this morning.

I'm still numb at the fact that within a year's time, I've lost a 3rd family member. :-( I'm also saddened that this is the 4th relative of mine to be stricken with cancer; of those 4, only 1 has survived. At this point in my life, I don't ever want to say or hear the word "cancer" ever again!

A word of advice: don't ever take your health for granted. If you're feeling symptoms or noticing something different concerning your health, make an appointment with your doctor and have yourself checked immediately...before it's too late.