Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Somewhat Awkward Interview

Last Thursday, I had a job interview for a Marketing Assistant job. Mind you, I don't have a Marketing background, but I've been around long enough to know that I possess the necessary skills and experience to get the job done.

As I sat down for the interview, I was greeted by a young woman and young man, who both looked around my age or a few years younger than me. The woman saw my address and asked if I lived right behind this one specific landmark and I told her 'yes.' She continued to say that she knew a few people who lived on my same street. I just smiled at her and almost asked her which neighbor of mine she knew, but I just let it go. The interview was scheduled for 10:30 a..m., but I arrived about 10 minutes early. Needless to say, my interview was very quick because as I walked out of the interview, it was already 10:30! As I walked to my car, I thought to myself, "What are the chances that this woman or owner of the company could be my neighbor's girlfriend?"

So this morning as I looked out my window, I notice the neighbor getting ready to leave in his car and he's accompanied by his lady friend, a.k.a. his girlfriend, who just happens to be the SAME young woman who interviewed me last Thursday! Talk about an awkward moment!

I think the fact that I didn't get hired by the marketing company was a blessing in disguise. Anyway, I have a meeting scheduled for next Wednesday with the editor of the newspaper I freelance for. She's going to give me more information about the job she has available. If everything works out well and she's able to offer me some flexibility so that I can finish my education, then I think I might be offered a position with the newspaper!

I'm keeping positive thoughts that everything works out the way it's intended to.  :)