Saturday, January 19, 2008

Math: friend or foe?

School started again and so far I'm feeling overwhelmed with my math class. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I've never been great in math and I know I never will be. They say that everyone has strengths and weaknesses and my strength is English. It's like I have this mental block when it comes to math. I just had to dish out $$ to buy a graphing calculator, which I absolutely won't have any use for after I complete all my Math courses (I have one more left after this one). My instructor briefly went over on how to use this calculator for our homework assignments, but I didn't have mine with me at the time. I can pretty much work any sort of gadget, but I'm oblivious when it comes to this calculator. The manual that came with it isn't any help either. On the bright side, my three other classes are a breeze: a Pilates class (which I've taken before), a four week Counseling class, and Political Science, which seems rather interesting. Again, I just want to PASS my math class with a credit, which I opted to take instead of a grade since this course isn't transferable. I have to take this math course in order to advance to the next one, which is transferable.

In other news, Julie the editor sent me an e-mail to confirm that they'll be including my article in the May issue. She said that the contract is in the mail. I still can't believe that my article is getting published! I just hope that the person I profiled in this article is very happy with what I've written. :) I've already got some ideas for my next two articles, which I'd like to write when I have more time. I know, I know. I have to make time! One of those ideas includes my next subject (see below)!

And lastly, I found out that my town is having a luncheon to induct the new Board of Directors for the CofC. It turns out that "Mr. Cutie" is one of those newly elected directors and he's going to be there! However, you have to pay to go to this luncheon and I was told that the tickets are sold out, but that I could get on the waiting list. I figure it may be worth it to attend so I know what's happening in my community. Besides, maybe this will finally be the opportunity that I get to talk to "Mr. Cutie"! ;) Then again, I might "chicken out" at the last minute and not attend the luncheon at all. :(


Girl in Carolina said...

Congrats on your article! How exciting!

Good luck with Mr. Cutie :) I say GO for it if you get the chance. It could be fate!